Who was I before…(yesterday’s post)

I feel that I need to catch up from yesterday.  I was so exhausted after class that my brain could not think of the words I wanted to post on the blog.  I am beginning to think I need to be a day ahead, but not sure that would be fair to me or to you.  So hear are the thoughts that rummaged through my head yesterday  that I wanted to share.

Often I think about how I should share who I was before I started blogging and why I started blogging.  I know if you read you will see that I started because I wanted to hold myself accountable.  Well that is definitely working.  I am sticking with this lifestyle change and enjoying it.  I am enjoying the blogging process and have made blogging friends.  These are all good points, but who was I before??

This time a year ago, I was not only younger, but I was more confident with myself.  I sold Premier Designs Jewelry (a Direct Sales business) and was good at it.  I loved showing women how to look and feel better with oneself by completing you outfit with accessories, specifically jewelry.  I wasn’t much different in weight than I am now and was happy with me, loved me and what I was doing.  Then something changed.  Not sure how to explain it, so I will just share what occurred…

I had just celebrated a year of not smoking in December and it had been approximately 6 months since my last cycle…I knew I was coming up on full blown menopause, but like most I think was in denial.  The new year of 2017 was upon us when I rolled over and realized, that somewhere and somehow my stomach exploded over night.  Nothing I owned fit!  I cried all the time…I mean all the time!  You could say hello and the tears would flow.  My family was sure I was crazy, I just wanted to hibernate and never speak to anyone.  This does not make for a good salesperson of outer beauty.  Kind of hard to sale jewelry when one does not feel good about themselves and really does not want to leave the house.

These emotions brought on the vicious cycle that would soon be my downfall.  I would look at the mirror, see the person I had warped into, cry inside all the time and outwardly some if no one was looking, then look for food.  My favorite was Ruffles and homemade Onion Dip.  Needless to say, this only added to the problem.  Just typing the words make me want them.  The comfort of them was what I reached out for daily along with a Pepsi.  The weight just added on, pound by pound – day by day.

In June, I went to my mom’s to take care of her following her back surgery.  The feeling of inadequacy did not stop, I continued to eat everything and continued to hate what I was doing to myself.  Then it happened.

I decided to stop the madness!

I promised myself on the 1st of July at the fine weight of 255 pounds that I would lose 10 pounds a month for a year – 120 pounds total.  Almost half my weight in a year’s time.  I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but I knew I was.  I was still at my mom’s when I made this declaration.  It was going to be hard while there, but I have to start and I refused to put it off.  My legs were so heavy I could not walk for long periods of time, so I knew I needed to start that as well, a little bit at a time.

I walked for 5 minutes a day, twice a day and maintained a 1200 calorie intake.  Doesn’t seem like a lot and it wasn’t – but it was all I could do.  I needed more.  I talked to my doctor about gastric bypass surgery – I was desperate.

Then enter KETOGENIC.  I really did not want to have surgery. So I went to find an alternative that would help me achieve my goal!  So 4 and 1/2 weeks ago on the 18th of August I started the ketogenic lifestyle.  My weight at that time was 237.8 and today it was 222.4 – 15.4 pounds down in 33 days on the KETO diet and 33 pounds in 2.5 months.  Better than that I am now walking 5-7 miles a day and feel better than I have in years.  Yes I want to lose the weight, but more importantly, I want to love me and be a healthier me.


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